

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah swt, we are now able to meet once again in the ICVSSD after two years of absence due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The past two years have been very challenging for everyone, impacting every facet of our life. Necessary painful adjustments and adaptations have to be made in order to ensure that every organization is functioning and delivering the output to the community. The hosting of ICVSSD 2022 is an important landmark in the normalization of the function of knowledge exchange and researchers interactions and the theme: Human Centric Research in Knowledge Driven Economy is very apt to address the challenges faced by the world now.

To the keynote speakers, Ir Tuan Sayed Afdhal Sayed Ghazali of Petronas and Associate Professor Maziar Ramezani of Auckland University of Technology, thank you both for sharing your wisdom in this conference. The high quality of the experience and research carried out will surely inspire the researchers in this area. To all the presenters, I wish you all the best in presenting your findings and to the research students, please make the most of this opportunity to network and to ask probing questions. You will gain a lot of benefits by learning how research is being conducted by others. To our partners and colleagues of Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, UniKL Malaysian Spanish Institute and Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia, SVAM, thank you all for the continuous collaboration and cooperation. I do hope this will continue into the future so that ICVSSD will be known and identified as the best place to share findings related to vibration, sound and structural dynamics. “Terima kasih daun keladi”

I am also pleased to know that the core group of this conference is also organizing Human Engineering Workshop which will mark the birth of a new research thrust: Neuro Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistance System Research or NEAR. This bodes well with the expansion of research areas in the School of Mechanical Engineering and I look forward to seeing more activities for the benefit of society at large and industries in particular,  and I wish you all the best.

Thank you.

Prof Madya Dr Jamaludin Abdullah

Dean, School of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia