
Mohd Ikhwan1

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillah, with the grace of Allah SWT, we are fortunate to come together once again for ICVSSD 2024. This event marks a significant milestone in re-establishing the exchange of knowledge and fostering collaboration among researchers. The theme, "Vibration benefiting mankind," is both timely and relevant, addressing some of the most pressing challenges in today’s world.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to our distinguished keynote speakers, Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Asan G.A. Muthalif from the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Qatar University, and Professor Dr. Zaidi Mohd Ripin from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia. Your expertise and contributions to this conference will undoubtedly inspire all of us. The depth and quality of your research will provide invaluable insights for everyone here, especially those actively involved in this field.

To all the presenters, I wish you the best in showcasing your work. And to our research students, seize this opportunity to engage, ask thought-provoking questions, and build connections. Learning from the experiences and research of others will offer you great benefits as you move forward in your own academic journeys.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank our partners from Tunku Abdul Rahman University of Management and Technology, UniKL Malaysian Spanish Institute, and the Society of Vibration and Acoustics Malaysia (SVAM). Your continued collaboration and support have been instrumental in the success of this conference. I sincerely hope these partnerships will thrive in the future, helping ICVSSD to become recognized as the foremost platform for sharing advancements in vibration, sound, and structural dynamics. Thank you, and let’s keep this collaboration growing.

I’m also delighted to highlight the Workshop on Research for Product, Patents, and Publication (R3P) being held as part of this conference. This workshop encourages researchers to move beyond traditional publication goals, incorporating market analysis and product development into their research strategies. By doing so, participants will gain insights into how their work can not only advance scientific knowledge but also create tangible economic value for society and industry. I wish you all the best in this endeavor.

Thank you, and may this conference be a productive and rewarding experience for all.

Dr. Mohamad Ikhwan Zaini Bin Ridzwan

Deputy Dean
Research, Innovation & Community-Industry Engagement